Online entry will close at 11:59pm on Sunday 11 August 2024.
Venue: Macquarie University
This event is presented with grateful collaboration from Macquarie University.
The assembly point will be the, centrally located, northern balcony of the 1CC building (a campus map can be found here).
The same assembly point will also be used for the afternoon relay event.

Event Format: Sprint Distance Event

Expect fast-paced orienteering in an urban environment.
Courses have been set with a target winning time of 12-15 minutes. Less experienced or slower runners could expect to take at least twice as long to complete their course.
Event Timing
Students will start their morning individual race between 9:30am and 11:30am.
Start times for all students will be allocated and published on Tuesday 13 August.
Course closure is 12:30pm.
The Map
Map scale 1:4000 Contour interval 2m
The University has been remapped for this event. It has been mapped to ISSproM 2019-2 standards by Andrew Lumsden and Carol Jacobson using a base map from Hamish Mackie. Thanks to Macquarie University for extensive base map material and also Garingal Orienteers for the use of the map.
A previous version of the map is available here.
Gardens are clearly marked on the map and are out of bounds. Crossing or reaching over any out of bounds areas may result in disqualification.
No orienteering training at Macquarie University is permitted prior to the event as the map area is embargoed for all competitors.
The area has been remapped for this event. It has been mapped to ISOM 2017-2 standards.
A previous version of the map is available here.
No training on the event area is allowed as the map area is embargoed for all competitors.
Key Event Team Members
Course setter | Matthew Hill, Newcastle Orienteering Club |
Event Organiser | Barbara Hill (, mobile 0418 270 476) |
Event controller | Andrew Lumsden, Big Foot Orienteers |
Event entries | Miriam Meischke ( |
Event Terrain
This is a large and complex University campus. It is 1st class sprint orienteering terrain.

Courses will be fast but technical with quick decisions and fine navigation required for the fastest times.
The Campus will be open to the public during the event. All competitors should be mindful of other campus users and residents. Kindly keep noise to a minimum and be respectful of others at all times.
Runners on course and multiple control points will be visible from the assembly location.
Access and Parking
Catching the Metro to Macquarie University Station and walking to the event centre is the recommended transport to the event. There are also regular bus services to the adjacent Macquarie Shopping Centre and along Epping Rd.
Cycling is also a good option with cycleways from different directions all linking to the University campus.
If driving to the event, multiple PAYG car parks are on the University campus. Free parking is available on Sundays on Culloden Rd and Talavera Rd.
Student Entry Fees
Secondary Students – Non orienteering club members $30
Primary Students – Non orienteering club members $25
Orienteering club members receive a discount of 20% by using the promo code “ONSW” at the entry platform checkout.
Student orienteering club membership is $10pa and is recommended.
Orienteering club membership information is available here.
Timing card hire (one fee for all three w/e events) $4
All participants will require a SPORTident timing card for each event.
If students do not already own one, a card can be hired for $4 for the weekend or purchased online during the entry process.
Student Entry Classes
Age is as at 31/12/2024.
Individual entries can be made online. There is no qualification required. This event is open to all school students.
Schools may complete a group entry for all students from their school. Please contact the event organisers to arrange this (
Online entry will close at 11:59pm on Sunday 11 August 2024. Entries beyond this date will only be accepted at the organiser’s discretion and will be subject to map availability.
Punching System

SPORTident timing will be used with field controls in beacon (contactless) mode. Manual punches will also be at controls as a backup option should a SPORTident card or unit fail.
A punching start will be used.
The finish control will be punch only.
Start Procedure
The start is located approximately 100m from the assembly area.
Plan to be at the start well ahead of your allocated start time.
The start procedure will take 3 minutes.
Start – 3 minutes: report to starter and have timing card checked
Start – 2 minutes: collect control descriptions
Start – 1 minute: move to map box
- The area is well bounded with courses set within the University campus.
- A safety check on all runners will be completed at the end of the event to confirm each person’s safe return to the finish.
- There may be some vehicle traffic on internal campus roads. This is all at low speeds. Campus car parks are out of bounds.
- An emergency mobile number to contact event organisers will be included on maps.
- There will be a limited number of live GPS trackers that can be hired. Event organisers expect to have a live feed on the location of runners wearing trackers.

Provisional results will be available live during the event on the Bold Horizons website.
Final results will be published to both the Bold Horizons and Orienteering NSW websites.
The Champion Sprint Orienteering Secondary School and Champion Sprint Orienteering Primary School will be awarded perpetual trophies.

The Champion Schools will be determined by allocating points as follows:
A classes: 6 for 1st, 5 for 2nd, 4 for 3rd, 3 for 4th, 2 for 5th, 1 for finishing
B classes: 4 for 1st, 3 for 2nd, 2 for 3rd, 1 for finishing.
School Age class placegetters will also be recognised.
Campus cafes and food outlets will be open.
All competitors should bring their own water to the event.
Poor Weather
In case of rain, the event is expected to still be conducted unless permission is withdrawn by the landholder. There is ample shelter for all competitors at the assembly location.
First Aid
First aid will be available at the event.
ONSW Competitor Code of Conduct
Kindly note the Orienteering NSW Code of Conduct which applies to all participants and spectators.
Dogs and Other Pets
No dogs and other pets, please.